
“I can just not stop laughing that Matt Damon’s pitch for crypto is ‘Be like a brave explorer, invest your life savings in crypto,’” one Twitter user commented. “This is the same pitch my buddy in 6th grade used to get me to dive from a railroad trestle into the river.” Founded in 2016, Crypto serves more than 10 million customers with its crypto app and Visa card. Crypto recently partnered with Water.org, the global nonprofit co-founded by Damon that brings safe water and sanitization to people in need. The platform made a $1 million direct donation to the nonprofit to support its mission and is launching initiatives to encourage its own users to support the cause. In case you missed it, Matt’s commercial for Crypto, a Singapore cryptocurrency exchange, follows the Good Will Hunting vet as he walks through a Museum of Bravery, pointing out “mortals” who overcame their fears to achieve greatness throughout history. “In these moments of truth, these men and women — these mere mortals, just like you and me — as they peer over the edge, they calm their minds and steel their nerves with four simple words that have been whispered by the intrepid since the time of the Romans: Fortune favors the brave,” Matt triumphantly announces.
When entering the world of cryptocurrency, choosing the right exchange is crucial. Binance and Coinbase are two of the most prominent names in the crypto space, each offering unique features and benefits. In this in-depth comparison, we will dissect the key aspects of these platforms to help you make an informed decision. Coinbase’s direct listing in April was a watershed moment, putting crypto firmly in the mainstream. It also gave the trading platform an advantage in an industry that aims to reinvent financial services, from stock trading to settlements. Still, the game is early, and Coinbase could turn out to be another Netscape, the internet browser sensation whose share offering helped spark the dot-com stock frenzy in the 1990s only to be crushed by the incumbent, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.