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The HEXING CIU EV-KP, (Figure 8) is a customer interface unit with a keypad for credit charging. It communicates with the metering unit by M-BUS (meter bus)
The contents of this user manual are intended for technically qualified personnel of energy supply companies responsible for the meter planning, installation,.
If it is open, then this token. Page 19. User manual- HXE310-KP. 19 would close the relay. Two minutes later, the meter will revert back to the previous relay.
View and Download HEXING HXE310-KP user manual online. Three-Phase Keypad Prepaid Meter. HXE310-KP measuring instruments pdf manual download.
CIU EV-KP user manual. I have a Hexing ciu ev500 and the screen is blank what can I do. 10 mos Report. Irnest Schultz, profile picture. Irnest Schultz.
By keying 3 digits short codes, users can easily access predefined information Relay operation reason CIU EV-KP is a customer interface unit with.
Three Phase Split Meter- HXE310-P with CIU EV-KP. (100A Add. Three Phase Split Meter- HXE310-P with CIU EV-KP. (100A). R2,235.03. Available online only.
Replace the batteries with new ones. The new batteries should be strong enough to power on the Customer user Interface Unit. Change the power socket where the